Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I have three broken fingers, but the pain is nothing compared to the heavy feeling in my heart. I live in a community where fewer than 5 percent of the population is most vocal, and closed minded. Today I sat through three hours of a hearing at the Zoning and Planning Commission of Lakeway. Recovery Ways was seeking a special Use Permit at the Lakeway Regional Medical Center. I have spent the past two months attempting to correct the massive amount of misinformation being constantly poured out by a combination of those who are simply uneducated about what an accredited treatment center does and those who are clearly saying NOT IN MY BACK YARD. If they won't permit Recovery Ways In a medical center, it sends a clear message that this community has no intention of allowing a medical rehabilitation facility to operate within its borders. The rhetoric and ludicrous comments made today pain me. I know that God is bigger still, but I don't like being in a community where the law doesn't seem to have a place in the process. Recovery Ways had a Permit By Right taken from them with no due process, and when they voluntarily moved to a medical center, that wasn't good enough. Daily, individuals in our community are denied treatment for addiction because there are not enough beds to serve the need. Residential treatment for professional adults is is part of love thy neighbor. There was no risk associated with this facility with such high standards of operation, and if anyone had taken the time to see that since their operations began in 2010, there has been NO trouble in that community, rather there have been improvements associated with recovery.
The silent majority needs to find their collective voice.

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