Friday, July 26, 2013

The waiting room

I am sitting with a friend in an oncology infusion room filled with people.  I am a witness to the scads of individuals who are waiting to be infused with a potentially life saving cocktail that destroys the good and the bad cells along its path.  Death to life... I am but a witness...not a participant and yet I feel the anxiety, the palpable tension of both those who are hoping for a new day of hopefulness, and for those quieter souls ending their journey with resignation and acceptance.  I am compelled to try and make a difference.  I am of course helping my friend by simply being here.  But there is more to be done....and it occurs to me that every day with every encounter we bump against individuals who are either in pain, just coming out of pain, or headed into pain.  It is inevitable, is the universe we live in for, what will I do to live out love with each encounter?  Will I idly and complacently let the world's pain wash by while I convince myself that I don't need to reach out because I am busy, or will I open my eyes and seek the wounded whose pains aren't so obvious as those in the room around me.... Sometimes, the simple act of a smile makes the difference in someone else's journey...anonymously delivered flowers, a homemade meal...a ride to the doctor, a card in the mail.  Any of the things that have made a difference in my journey.  If you see me along the way, and my life isn't being poured out as an offering, gently remind me of this place, this time...your gentle smile will say it all.

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